Fall 2024 Move-In
Date | Time | Location |
Wednesday, August 28, 2024 | 8am - 2pm | Admissions Welcome Center (Sulzberger Annex) |
- Students will be emailed instructions to select a Move-In Arrival Time in early August.
- Detailed information about move-in will be shared with students closer to Move-In Day.
- Access Barnard will invite a select number of Opportunity Program, international F1 visa, and FLI students to move in early to participate in a pre-orientation program.
Date | Time | Location |
Wednesday, August 28, 2024 | 10am - 1pm | Admissions Welcome Center (Sulzberger Annex) |
- Students will be emailed instructions to select a Move-In Arrival Time in early August.
- Detailed information about move-in will be shared with students closer to Move-In day.
Continuing Students (including those returning from a leave of absence) will select Move-In Arrival Times (see below) to move in during the following dates/times. Students may select any available time slot (check-ins are not determined by class year).
Unfortunately we are not able to provide evening check-ins after the time slots end each day.
Date | Time | Location |
Saturday, August 31, 2024 | 9am - 5pm | Barnard Hall Lobby |
Sunday, September 1, 2024 | 9am - 5pm | Barnard Hall Lobby |
Monday, September 2, 2024 | 10am - 4pm | Barnard Hall Lobby |
Late Check-Ins: Tuesday - Friday, September 3 - 6, 2024 |
9:30am - 4:30pm | Res Life office (110 Sulzberger) |
Detailed information about move-in will be shared with students closer to Move-In day.
Students will need to show their Student ID when checking in. If you lost your ID over the summer, please see the Student ID section below for replacement information.
Students assisting with NSOP as Orientation Leaders, etc. will receive information about early move-ins from the offices they’re working with later this summer. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide early check-in for students not working with campus offices for NSOP.
Spring 2025 Move-In
Students invited by Access Barnard to take part in the International Student Pre-Orientation Program will move in during the dates / times below:
Date | Time | Location |
Monday, January 13, 2025 | 10am - 4pm | TBD |
- Detailed information about moving in will be shared with students closer to the Move In day.
- Students must submit their photo to the Columbia ID Center for their Barnard ID Card to be printed in advance
Date | Time | Location |
Wednesday, January 15, 2025 | 9:30am - 12noon | Res Life office (110 Sulzberger) |
Students will be emailed instructions to select a Move-In Arrival Time in late December.
Detailed information about move-in will be shared with students closer to the Move-In day.
- Students must submit their photo to the Columbia ID Center for their Barnard ID Card to be printed in advance
Continuing Students new to campus housing for the Spring (returning from leave, returning from study abroad, etc) will select a Move-In Arrival Time (see below) to check in during the following dates/times.
Date | Time | Location |
Saturday, January 18, 2025 | 9:30am - 5pm | Res Life office (110 Sulzberger) |
Sunday, January 19, 2025 | 9:30am - 5pm | Res Life office (110 Sulzberger) |
Monday, January 20, 2025 | 10am - 3pm | Res Life office (110 Sulzberger) |
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 | 9:30am - 4:45pm | Res Life office (110 Sulzberger) |
Detailed information about moving in will be shared with students closer to the Move In day.
Students will need to show their Student ID when checking in. If you lost your ID, please see the Student ID section below for replacement information.
Information About Moving In
To help the College coordinate and ensure a smooth process, all students will need to select a Move-In Arrival Time Slot (and show a barcode, see below)
Students will be emailed instructions for selecting Time Slots on the Housing Portal when available:
- Fall Move-In -- instructions emailed in early August
- Spring Move-In -- instructions emailed in late December
When student arrive to move in, they will need to show their Check-In Barcode.
Please make sure that the following are all visible on the screenshot or print out.
- Name
- Room Number
- Time Slot
Students may print or screenshot the barcode on the Housing Portal after they select a Move-In Arrival Time Slot.
- Fall Move-In -- instructions emailed in early August
- Spring Move-In -- instructions emailed in late December
On move-in day only, the typical guest policy is adjusted to account for the influx of residents' family and supporters to provide help moving in.
- As an incoming Barnard student, participating in First-Year and New Transfer student Move-in, you are required to register yourself and any guests planning to access the main campus on Move-in day. Please use the Student & Move-In Guest Registration Form to register yourself (incoming student) and any guest(s) coming to campus to help you move in.
- Upon arrival to campus, registered students and guests will be required to check in to receive an access wristband prior to Residential Life and NSOP check in. This wristband will also provide your guest(s) access to other events that day.
- Helpers under the age of 18 are permitted members of your move-in party, but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.
- The resident will be provided with the number of move-in guest stickers requested, and these must be worn throughout the move-in process.
- Please note, the Guest stickers are only valid for the move-in day and will not provide guest access overnight.
We ask our students & families to keep in mind that any future visits (outside of move-in day) by a guest under the age of 18 must be approved by the College by submitting a Minor Guest Permission Request Form at least 2 business days in advance of the visit (more info).
On move-in day only, the typical guest policy is adjusted to account for the influx of residents' family and supporters to provide help moving in.
- When campus residents check-in and sign for their room keys, they will be asked how many helpers are in their move-in party, and if any of those individuals are under the age of 18.
- Helpers under the age of 18 are permitted members of your move-in party, but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.
- The resident will be provided with the number of move-in guest stickers requested, and these must be worn throughout the move-in process.
- Please note, the Guest stickers are only valid for the move-in day and will not provide guest access overnight.
We ask our students & families to keep in mind that any future visits (outside of move-in day) by a guest under the age of 18 must be approved by the College by submitting a Minor Guest Permission Request Form at least 2 business days in advance of the visit (more info).
The Student Experience & Engagement (SEE) office will email new enrolling students about NSOP (the New Student Orientation Program) closer to the start of the semester. Information will also be available at ejly.net/studentlife/orientation.
* All measurements on residence hall floor plans are approximate. We encourage students to refrain from purchasing and/or cutting carpets, curtains, etc. until you move into your room and take exact measurements.
The area in front of each residence hall is reserved for short-term unloading only.
Please do not leave your car unattended. Do not double-park cars as this blocks the unloading zone for other people. Double-parked cars may be ticketed or towed by NYPD.
After unloading items, cars will need to relocate to provide access for others. Metered street parking in the neighborhood will be limited, so please check out the list of Parking Garages in the area.
A limited number of carts will be available for use from the front desk of each residence hall. Students are encouraged to bring their own cart, hand truck, dolly, etc. to help them move their belongings into the residence halls.
Students must carry their Student ID at all times for swipe access to their residence hall and other buildings on campus.
New Enrolling Students (New ID cards)
ID cards are printed in advance of students' arrival to campus. Students must submit a photo online by the deadline in the "Enrolling Student To-Do List."
Returning Students (Lost IDs)
Returning students who lost their Student ID over the summer should fill out the CARES ID Replacement Form for assistance in obtaining a replacement ID card.
Students may also obtain a replacement ID card from the Columbia ID Center.
Please consult this list for recommended and prohibited items. Save yourself room in your car, suitcase, etc, by leaving things behind that are not permitted in the residence halls!
Because space is tight, we encourage students to bring only the essentials. It's easier to purchase needed items after you move in than bringing too many belongings with you and not having room to store them. Additionally, we encourage you to refrain from purchasing and/or cutting carpets, curtains, etc. until you move into your room and take exact measurements.
For information about how to find your mailing address and how to address mail & packages, please visit Student Mail Information.
All mail & packages must be addressed to students' mailboxes in the Barnard Mail Room. Any mail or packages addressed to a student's residence hall would be "returned to sender."
The Barnard Mail Room will accept mail & packages for students starting 3 days before their scheduled move-in date.
The Mail Room will be open during the following hours on scheduled move-in days:
- Wednesday, August 28, 2024 -- 8am - 5:45pm
- Saturday, August 31, 2024 -- 9am - 3:45pm
- Sunday, September 1, 2024 -- 9am - 3:45pm
- Monday, September 2, 2024 -- closed for Labor Day
For additional mail room hours (and additional information about campus mail), please visit ejly.net/mail-services.
The College and Residential Life & Housing are committed to sustainable practices and climate action. Help us meet those goals by planning a "Green" move-in!
- Get rid of stuff before you move it! You will have a limited amount of space in your room, so bring only the essentials to make your move lighter and more energy-efficient.
- Instead of buying brand-new cardboard boxes, ask your local grocery, hardware, liquor, or dry goods store for boxes. Or, use reusable plastic tubs.
- Instead of packing your boxes with newspaper or bubble wrap, use your towels or bed linens.
- After moving in, break down your boxes and put them in the recycle bin (in the Quad, take them to the basement); or better yet, flatten them and save them or send them home for a future move!
For more information about the College's sustainability and climate action, please visit ejly.net/sustainability-climate-action.
For a list of area hotels, please visit ejly.net/accommodations.
- We encourage you to visit the New Students page for frequently asked questions & answers about living in campus housing.
- Information about Orientation Week (NSOP) will be available at ejly.net/studentlife/orientation-nsop.